Greater Kingston Girls Hockey Association Powered by Goalline Sports Administration Software


GKGHA Coaching Resources
All Coaches interested in attending the clinic should contact the GKGHA Hockey Development Coordinator (Michael Hermer) at

A list of helpful resources for experienced and new coaches. GKGHA will continue to add more links as the season develops.
Below is a list of helpful resources for experienced and new coaches. GKGHA will continue to add more links as the season develops.

Guide to Female Hockey in Canada
Click here to view the Hockey Canada Guide to Female Hockey

Criminal Background Checks
All GKGHA volunteers including coaches, on-ice staff, trainers, den moms and development staff must provide a CPIC issued within the previous six months. Volunteers over the age of 18 must also provide proof that a Vulnerable Sector Screen, (VSS), has been completed. Volunteers under the age of 18 are not required to provide a VSS. For residents of the City of Kingston CPIC applications can be completed online here: Volunteers can select Greater Kingston Girls Hockey Association from the list of Available Agencies to have the results of their CPIC emailed directly to the GKGHA.

In compliance with the OWHA Screening Policy (Section 1.9), the GKGHA is instituting a new requirement in 2018. In the off-year when a CPIC with Vulnerable Sector Screening is not required, all volunteers must complete a Volunteer Declaration confirming that they do not have convictions or outstanding charges under the Criminal Code of Canada for which a pardon has not been issued.
If you are a volunteer and have previously submitted a CPIC which is not required to be renewed this year please fill out the Volunteer Declaration form and submit.

Additional Ice
Teams are welcome to supplement their provided ice allotment from the GKGHA with additional ice times. Teams are required to find the additional ice they wish to have booked for them, any additional ice must be booked through the GKGHA ice scheduler. Click here to be taken to a City of Kingston website, and use the search function on the left hand side of the screen. Ice can searched over the phone for Loyalist Township, and Napanee as well.

Below are two links for the insurance Form and Guidelines. All teams doing off-ice conditioning as a team must submit this form. Your dry-land trainer must also submit info as well.
OWHA Insurance Form
OWHA Insurance Guideline
If you have any questions on the OWHA insurance or forms, please direct your questions to Casey Held, OWHA Rep.

Respect in Sport
All GKGHA volunteers including coaches, on-ice staff, trainers, den moms and development staff are required to complete the Respect in Sport (Activity Leader version) program. This initiative was previously known as Speakout.  Anyone who has not previously completed Respect in Sport or Speakout is required to complete the Activity Leader version of the Respect in Sport training. Speakout and Respect in Sport certificates do not expire. If you have previously taken Repsect in Sport through the OWHA portal and would like to look up the certificate number you can do so here:
Click here to be taken to the OWHA website that explains more about the Respect in Sport program.

Coaching Certifications

New requirements were put in place for the 2015-16 season requiring House League head coaches to be trained at level Coach 2.

Click here to be taken to the OWHA coaching clinics.
Click here to be taken to the OMHA coaching clinics.

GKGHA will reimburse individuals for registration costs for the minimum required coaching certification for the division and level at which they will be coaching. Coaches are asked to speak with their convenors in-regards to registration cost reimbursement.

Prospective and returning coaches can take Coach 2 or Development 1 through an OMHA clinic, or they can take an OWHA Coach Level clinic. The OMHA no longer provides coaching certificate numbers, the OWHA does, if you have taken an OMHA coaching clinic your Hockey Canada number becomes your certificate number.

If you would like to access your Hockey Canada Profile Follow the link below to the Hockey Canada eHockey website:

If you have previously created a Hockey Canada eHockey profile log in, if you don’t have one, create it and then log in. Once you  have logged in your profile will display all of the certifications you have and clinics you have attended including the dates you took the clinics and expiry date of the certification(s). Hockey Canada ID numbers are under the coaches name and birthdate.
Bench Staff
Prior to the start of each season each Representative and House League team must submit a Bench Staff Information form to their convenor for all Coaches, Den Moms, Managers, Trainers and On-Ice Helpers. This form must be completed in full to permit teams to be rostered in a timely manner.

Dealing with suspensions
Follow the steps below when it comes to reporting a suspension for Rep and/or Houseleague teams.

1) Insert details of the suspension in the email template below and send to:
For Rep teams:; and
For House League and DS teams:; and

2) A copy of the game sheet must be attached. Suspensions must be reported within 24 hours of the occurrence or the head coach will be suspended, there are no exceptions to this rule.

3) Template email below


Subject: Suspension - Kingston Ice Wolves <Division><Team Number> - <Player Name>

Please find details below regarding a penalty call, resulting in a minimum suspension.

Game Date: <date>
Home team: <team name and team number>
Visiting team: <team name and team number>
Kingston player: <player name and jersey number>
Penalty call: <GMXX - penalty>

Please find attached a copy of the game sheet. I would appreciate if you could confirm receipt and provide confirmation of the number of games to be served.

If any further information is required, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,
<Manager name and contact info>


4) will respond to the above email, confirming the length of the suspension. The email should indicate that the player can return to play once the suspension has been served, provided that game sheets are submitted on time.

5) For each game of the suspension:

  • Fill in 'serving x of y' in the signature spot of the game sheet for the suspended player
  • Do not cross the suspended player out
  • Take a picture of the completed game sheet and send by email
    • Game sheets should be sent within 48 hours of the completion of the game
    • Make the subject of your email: 'Game x of y: <Player Name> - Kingston <Division><Team number>
​6) Other important notes:
  • The suspension starts with the game following the game the suspension was called
  • Exhibition and tournament games may not be played while under suspension. Exhibition games do not count towards games served in a suspension but tournament games do count
  • The player may participate in all team activities except games. They are not permitted near the dressing room or bench on game day
  • Pick up players are not permitted to replace players serving a suspension
  • Suspensions are governed by OWHA - please refer to OWHA policies for more information:

Apparel and Jerseys
All mandatory rep apparel and jersey orders is to placed with PG Sports.

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